Harp stands for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project and is described as a research instrument for studying the ionosphere. It is also known as an ionospheric radiation instrument (IRI). Many IRI exist, but HAARP is special due to its ability to focus energy and its unprecedented amount of gigawatts (billions of watts). This makes it millions of times more effective at heating the region about a hundred and fifty miles above the Earth's surface. The atmosphere has most of its density below 30 miles altitude, and the ionosphere is the very thin layer above that absorbs dangerous ultraviolet radiation and makes life possible on earth. Normally, there is very little mixing between the two layers. However, disturbances in the ionosphere translate to changes in weather, such as sunspots and the solar wind. The main idea behind HAARP is the ability to direct electrons along the naturally occurring magnetic field lines of the earth and accelerate them to near the speed of light. This forms a protective shell of highly excited particles that block communications worldwide and can destroy missiles in their trajectory from space. By punching a hole through the ionosphere, an area 30 kilometers in diameter can be superheated into a plasma shield. Any missile or aircraft that attempts to fly through the plasma would be destroyed. A hole in the ionosphere above an enemy country could allow solar radiation to strike the surface of the Earth unhindered, resulting in potential devastation. Weather modification can also be used as an instrument of warfare by manipulating the electro-jet and jet streams, which dictate climate. The publicly stated aim of HAARP is Communications Command and Control (C3). Blocking or intercepting enemy communications and securing one's own signals are crucial in achieving victory in war. HAARP can generate signals in the...
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Af 2030 witness Form: What You Should Know
The form is issued by a designated DOD office, which are responsible for overseeing DOD-wide drug-assistance programs. The Form is issued to any authorized recipient with the required permission of the Secretary of the Air Force. All such recipients must be authorized under federal law, either by U.S. Air force Instruction (AU) 844.14 (20 CFR 431.16) or Air Force Instruction (AFI) 14A.01 (18 CFR 121-120). The form can be used for the purpose of providing assistance (including monetary assistance), to eligible dependents of authorized dependents and airmen (other than enlisted personnel, enlisted women, and other E-9s) attending, or currently enrolled in a DOD school of Air Force Aviation (AFAR). The purpose of this form is to certify that: (1) an individual, who has received training and education (except for post-secondary educational assistance) at an Air Force school of Air Force Aviation is undergoing and has successfully completed, a drug and alcohol treatment program in accordance with the requirements of the Air Force Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention and Treatment Program (DRAFT) in order for the individual to remain in the air force; and (2) the individual received this assistance before the individual was scheduled or was admitted to a treatment/rehab facility. The form can be used for drug and alcohol rehabilitation, including: (1) rehabilitation at the discretion of the person named on the form; and (2) treatment at the discretion of the individual named on the form with the support of the person responsible for administering the form. The form can be used to obtain a copy of a current Drug Use Monitoring Program (DUMP) report, by request through a service member's chain of command, that must be completed using the service member's personal logbook, if applicable, and the personnel security clearance application form, if applicable. AF DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE CERTIFICATE FILED WITH THE DOD COMBATANT COMMAND; SAME DAY; NO WAITING PERIOD.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Af form 2030 witness