Applause Music, hey guys! Welcome back to my channel. My name is Veronica. Thank you so much for clicking the link to watch my video. Without further ado, let's get started with today's video. Okay, you guys. So apparently, I haven't filmed a cot or OTS video of just telling you guys about my experience. So this is going to be the good, the bad, and the ugly about my OTS experience. And hopefully, what you guys draw from this will help you succeed or know a little bit of what to expect from my story. So let's start out with the beginning. Um, basically, my recruiter, if you guys don't know, I'm in the United States Air Force as an officer. I'm a medical service Corps officer specifically, which basically means I'm a healthcare administrator in the Medical Group unit. However, you want to explain that. So, my recruiter wasn't the best recruiter. MSC recruiters are definitely hit and miss. I definitely need to figure out how to get a copy of my scroll, but that was random. But um, so essentially, me going into the Air Force was not an easy task. It took me about a year and a half. If you guys ever want to see any of my military videos, I will link a playlist of my military videos so you guys can just bend them. OTS is officer training school. Medical, chaplain, lawyers, anything that's a little bit different, they go to what's called a cot, which is commissioned officer training. However, they're doing the weight is caught, I believe, this year so COB will no longer exist and it will combine to form, I believe, T Fought. Essentially, what all of those acronyms mean is all officers go to Officer Training School. It's like boot camp for officers....
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Department of the Air Force > E-Publication Publishing Find Air Force Publication and Forms. Department of the Air Force > Official Library of DoD E-Publications Get Air Force Documents and Forms. Department of the Air Force > United States Air Force Airman Survival Guide- AA FSP Download Airman Survival Guide- AA FSP — Free PDF Download This guide provides guidance for the post-deployment survival process for airmen and civilians aboard our bases. It helps airmen to minimize risks and develop an action plan. Department of the Air Force E-Publishing > Publications + Forms AF Form 3100, Survival Guide- AA FSP ‡ — Free PDF Format for Desktop (PDF) AF Form 3100, Survival Guide- AA FSP — Free PDF Format for Mobile Devices (PDF) AF Form 3109A ‡‡ Survival Guide for a Short-Term Deployment AF Form 3110A ‡‡ Survival Guide for a Short-Term Deployment AF Form 3109B ‡‡ Survival Guide for a Short-Term Deployment AF Form 3109C ‡‡ Survival Guide for a Short-Term Deployment AF Form 3310A‡‡ Surviving a Short-Term Emergency Preparedness Task Force (SET FTF) Deployment AF Form 3310B‡‡ Surviving a Short-Term Emergency Preparedness Task Force (SET FTF) Deployment AF Form 3410A‡‡ Surviving Short-Term Emergency Preparedness Task Force Deployment Department of the Air Force E-Publishing > Publications + Forms Department of the Air Force > Publications & Forms > Other Airman Survival Guide- AA FSP Click here to view our free e-book on Airman Survival Guide for a Short-Term Deployment. The online version is available for download or viewing on Kindle; you will need Adobe Reader. Free downloads for Airman Survival Guide is only viewable by the Airman subscribers.
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