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Af 1288 Form: What You Should Know

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Af form 1288

Instructions and Help about Af form 1288

Music, this is Andy. In this video, I'm going to show you how to check and reset the timing if necessary on a Singer Model 4:13. This procedure covers several models that Singer has made. So, if you have a Singer machine with a timing belt and pulley system that looks similar to this, this method should work for you. By timing, we are referring to the alignment of the needle point and the hook point during the sewing cycle. They have to match up so that when the needle starts to pull up and form a loop on the needle thread, the hook is there to grab that loop and pull the needle thread around the bobbin thread, creating a lock stitch. The first step is to ensure that the needle bar is installed at the correct height. If the height is off, it can affect the timing. Checking and adjusting the needle bar height is simple. I will demonstrate how to do it. To begin, remove the face cover so that we can access the needle bar. You will notice two horizontal grooves on just about every Singer needle bar. These grooves may appear black due to the accumulation of oil and dust. Let me show you a close-up picture of the needle bar so you can see these grooves. The top mark on the needle bar is used to set the height, while the bottom mark is used for setting the timing of the needle and hook points. Refer to the close-up picture for a clearer view. To check and set the needle bar height, turn the handwheel towards you until the needle bar reaches its lowest point. You should turn the needle bar towards you, not away from you. You can observe the bottom of the needle bar or the...