My name is Captain Cory Leppard. I am the assistant director of operations for the Commission Officer Training at Officer Training School at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama. The orientation phase is the first phase of development for commissioned officer training and it typically lasts about one to one and a half weeks. During this phase, our trainees, including doctors, lawyers, and chaplains, are taught the same foundation as pilots, navigators, and other Air Force personnel. Step one of commissioned officer training focuses on teaching trainees how to properly wear and care for their uniforms, how to march, and how to conduct themselves as professional officers. Additionally, we cover military heritage, Air Force heritage, drill and ceremonies, basic standardization, and discipline. This phase serves as an introduction to the Air Force and instills the values and principles necessary to succeed in the service. Crossing the blue line is a ceremonial moment at Officer Training School, symbolizing the trainees' transition into their new careers as Air Force officers. This is a crucial component of our training program as it promotes team cohesion, communication, and unity among the trainees. The development phase builds upon the lessons learned in the orientation phase and focuses on applying those teachings to become effective leaders. One aspect of the development phase is Project X, an obstacle course consisting of 22 obstacles. Trainees are divided into small flights and are expected to work together as a team to navigate through these obstacles using the skills and knowledge acquired during their classroom and practical training. This phase allows trainees to identify their strengths and weaknesses in a controlled environment, promoting critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Finally, the Wingman Expeditionary Leadership Problems serves as a specific phase in the training program where trainees are given the opportunity...
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Af 24 officer application Form: What You Should Know
If you encounter any issues using Adobe Reader, please contact us by faxing or emailing Filing a grievance can also be done electronically using your Military Central Dispatch (MCD) Account. A grievance must be received within 20 days of the date of your appointment date. Form 24 — Select the grade and file online. Download Air Force Form 24 (PDF, 1.8 MB). This form can also be obtained AF Form 24 — Fill Online, Printable, Fillable, Blank | fillable Form 24F — Fill Online (PDF, 1.5 MB) or Printable (PDF, 1.4 MB) form (or the military copy that accompanies your application/grant letter). This electronic copy of Form 24 requires the following information: Your Name Your Rank (LieutenantColonel, Lt Col, Captain, Lt Master Lt Col and Colonel) Your date of birth The location and date that you were commissioned into the Air Force The date of your official discharge (discharge paperwork). You may submit a Military Accession Card (MAC) or Non-Immigrant Visa (NIV) application for yourself. Select or download a completed copy for your military record. Download AF Form 24.PDF Fill Air Force Form 24 at the military recruitment center.
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How to complete any Af 24 Form online: - On the site with all the document, click on Begin immediately along with complete for the editor.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Af Form 24 officer application